Wednesday, June 3, 1998
The House met at 1:30 p.m.
Ms. Rosann Wowchuk (Swan River): Madam Speaker, I beg to present the petition of K. Edwards, M. Hill, J. Marchuk and others praying that the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba request that the provincial government go on record requesting CN and CPR to not proceed with any discontinuance of lines until the report has been tabled, that being the Estey Grain Transportation report.
Madam Speaker: I have reviewed the petition of the honourable member for Brandon East (Mr. L. Evans). It complies with the rules and practices of the House. Is it the will of the House to have the petition read?
An Honourable Member: Dispense.
Madam Speaker: No. Dispense.
The petition of the Brandon Area Foundation praying for the passing of an act to amend the Brandon Area Foundation Incorporation Act.