3rd Session 39th Legislature
Agriculture and Food Committee
Bill 2傍he Animal Care Amendment Act
Bill 11傍he Highway Traffic Amendment and Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act
Bill 13傍he Medical Amendment Act
Bill 15傍he Victims' Bill of Rights Amendment Act
Bill 18傍he Regulated Health Professions Act
Bill 30傍he Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2009
Bill 16傍he Police Services Act
Bill 3傍he Forest Amendment Act
Bill 6傍he East Side Traditional Lands Planning and Special Protected Areas Act
Bill 7傍he Food Safety and Related Amendments Act
Bill 8傍he Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act (Enhanced Manitoba Hydro Employee Benefits and Other Amendments)
Bill 12傍he Residential Tenancies Amendment Act
Bill 14傍he Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Payday Loans)
Bill 17傍he Workers Compensation Amendment Act
Bill 19傍he Mortgage Dealers Amendment and Securities Amendment Act
Bill 21傍he Labour Mobility Act
Bill 22傍he Cooperatives Amendment Act
Bill 23傍he Buildings and Mobile Homes Amendment Act
Bill 25傍he Statistics Amendment Act
Bill 26傍he Apprenticeship and Certification Act
Bill 27傍he Gaming Control Amendment Act
Bill 28傍he Private Investigators and Security Guards Amendment Act
Bill 31傍he Manitoba Floodway Authority Amendment Act
Bill 32傍he Centre culturel franco-manitobain Act
Bill 35傍he Municipal Conflict of Interest and Campaign Financing Act (Various Acts Amended)
Bill 36傍he Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Enhanced Compensation for Catastrophic Injuries)
Bill 37傍he Public Schools Amendment Act (Limited At Large Elections of Trustees)
Social and Economic Development Committee
Bill 4傍he Community Revitalization Tax Increment Financing Act
Bill 5傍he Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Promoting Safer and Healthier Conditions in Motor Vehicles)
Bill 9傍he Social Work Profession Act
Bill 20傍he Manitoba Hydro Amendment and Public Utilities Board Amendment Act (Electricity Reliability)
Bill 24傍he Colleges Amendment and le Coll鑒e universitaire de Saint-Boniface Amendment Act (College Degrees)
Bill 29傍he Environment Amendment Act
Bill 217傍he Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Heritage Act
Bill 226傍he Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day Act
Bill 228傍he Grandparents' Day Act
Bill 238傍he Service Animals Protection Act