1st Session 40th Legislature
Social and Economic Development Committee
Bill 3傍he Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed
Limits in School Zones)
Bill 5傍he Highway Traffic Amendment Act
(Inter-City Bus Service)
Bill 7傍he Community Renewal Act
Bill 10傍he Securities Amendment Act
Bill 12傍he Consumer Protection Amendment Act
(Motor Vehicle Work and Repairs)
Bill 13傍he Renewable Energy Jobs Act
Bill 16傍he Consumer Protection Amendment Act
(Improved Enforcement and Administration)
Bill 17傍he Non-Smokers Health Protection
Amendment Act
Bill 18傍he Affordable Utility Rate
Accountability Act
Bill 20傍he Planning Amendment Act (Inland
Port Area)
Bill 21傍he Public Schools Amendment Act
(Code of Conduct for School Trustees)
Bill 24傍he Energy Savings Act
Bill 25傍he Groundwater and Water Well and
Related Amendments Act
Bill 26傍he International Interests in Mobile
Equipment Act (Aircraft Equipment)
Bill 27傍he Insurance Amendment Act
Bill 28傍he Residential Tenancies Amendment
Bill 29傍he Contaminated Sites Remediation
Amendment Act
Bill 31傍he Bilingual Service Centres Act
Bill 32傍he Highway Traffic Amendment Act
(Powers of Traffic Authorities over Cycling Traffic)
Bill 38傍he Statutes Correction and Minor
Amendments Act, 2012
Bill 2傍he Protecting Affordability for
University Students Act (Council on Post-Secondary Education Act Amended)
Bill 6傍he Regional Health Authorities
Amendment Act (Improved Fiscal Responsibility and Community Involvement)
Bill 8傍he Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Use
of Child Safety Seats)
Bill 12傍he Consumer Protection Amendment Act
(Motor Vehicle Work and Repairs)
Bill 13傍he Renewable Energy Jobs Act
Bill 16傍he Consumer Protection Amendment Act
(Improved Enforcement and Administration)
Bill 17傍he Non-Smokers Health Protection
Amendment Act
Bill 23傍he Local Government Statutes
Amendment Act
Bill 26傍he International Interests in Mobile
Equipment Act (Aircraft Equipment)
Bill 28傍he Residential Tenancies Amendment
Bill 33傍he Election Financing Act and
Elections Amendment Act
Bill 34傍he Public-Private Partnerships
Transparency and Accountability Act
Bill 35傍he Retail Businesses Holiday Closing
Amendment Act
Bill 37傍he Highway Traffic Amendment and
Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bicycle Helmets)
Bill 208傍he Remembrance Day Awareness Act
and Amendments to The Public Schools Act
Bill 212傍he Apprenticeship Recognition Act
Bill 300傍he Jewish Child and Family Service
Incorporation Act
Bill 301傍he Young Men's Christian
Association of Brandon Incorporation Amendment Act
Bill 209傍he
Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Conflict of Interest Amendment Act
(Cooling-Off Periods Related to Independent Officers)貿rom the First Session of
the 40th Legislature