HOUSE INDEX - 1st Session - 26th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 1st-26th


Laboratory and x-ray services

Johnson, 810, 869-870

Paulley, 869-870

Labour Department

Committee of Supply, 1236-1241, 1307-1312


Thompson, 1236

Labour issues

Automation, impact of

Paulley, 46

Labour laws

Education/public awareness programs

Paulley, 1239

Labour legislation

McDiarmid, 7

Labour relations

Paulley, 1237

Labour Relations Act, An Act to amend The

[Bill 20]


Thompson, 633


Thompson, 738

3R, 1466


McDiarmid, 1529

Labour unions

Certification process

Paulley, 639

Thompson, 639

Right to organize

Orlikow, 1310

Paulley, 1238, 1311

Thompson, 1310-1311

And socialism

Orlikow, 86

Seaborn, 73-74

Lake Manitoba

Economic survey

Molgat, 677-678

Willis, 678

Spawning grounds

Hryhorczuk, 1025-1026

Land erosion

Reid, 215

Land reclamation. See Pasquia River Land Settlement Project

Land Titles Office

Mechanization of procedures

Hillhouse, 758

Lyon, 758

Law Amendments, Standing Committee on

1st Report

Lyon, 253

2nd Report

Lyon, 953

3rd Report

Lyon, 981

Law of Property Act, An Act to amend The

[Bill 95]


Lyon, 1243


Lyon, 1431-1432

3R, 1467


McDiarmid, 1529

Law reform committee

Lyon, 710

Law Society of Manitoba

Legal aid services

Guttormson, 759-760

Hillhouse, 760-761

Hryhorczuk, 720

Lyon, 709, 759-765

Orlikow, 763-765

Paulley, 761

Legal aid services. See Law Society of Manitoba

Legislative Assembly

Dress code

Campbell, 1010

Corbett, 1010

Groves, 1009

Hillhouse, 1009

Martin, 1041-1042

Miller, 1009-1010

Paulley, 1009-1010

Roblin, 1009

Permanent speaker

Campbell, 789-795

Desjardin, 1182

Gray, 1180

Groves, 1180-1182

Lissaman, 1057-1059

Paulley, 1177-1180

Staff salaries (See also Hansard)

Boulic, 270

Molgat, 270

Legislative Building and grounds

Ornamental lighting costs

Campbell, 1111

Paulley, 1114

Willis, 1111, 1114, 1126

Statue plaques

Hawryluk, 302

Taras Shevchenko statue

Roblin, 1114

Schreyer, 1114

Telephone service costs

Desjardin, 1116

Schreyer, 1116

Willis, 1116

Legislative Counsel


Gray, 766

Hryhorczuk, 767

Lyon, 766

Paulley, 767

Legislative Library

McLean, 297

Microfilming of newspapers

McLean, 298

Libraries. See Legislative Library; Provincial Library; Public libraries

Licensed Practical Nurses Act, An Act to amend The

[Bill 31]

1R, Johnson, 49

2R, Johnson, 85-86

C/W, 318

3R, 320

R/A, 389


Administration costs

Campbell, 1112

Guttormson, 1112

Willis, 1112


Guttormson, 730

Roblin, 730

Liquor Control Act, an act to amend

[Bill 98]

1R, Lyon, 1297

2R, 1472

3R, 1526


McDiarmid, 1529

Liquor price increase

Gray, 69

Lyon, 69

Lissaman, Reginald O. (Brandon) P.C.

Brandon Charter, An Act to amend The

[Bill 49]

1R, 49

2R, 191

Brandon College, 476

Brandon Provincial Exhibition, 235

Chiropodists Act, an Act to amend the

[Bill 66]

2R, 386


Enumeration process, 287

Legislative Assembly

Permanent speaker, 1057-1059

Urban School Trustees Association of Manitoba

[Bill 76]

1R, 317

2R, 1187

3R, 1358

Livestock industry

See also Hog industry; Poultry industry

Bang's disease

Campbell, 607

Guttormson, 606-607

Paulley, 606

Willis, 606-607

Deficiency payments

Campbell, 597-598

Willis, 597-598

Feeder auctions

Molgat, 596

Willis, 596

Fodder, transportation of

Wagner, 673

Willis, 673

Herd Improvement Association

Roberts, 601-602, 603-604

Willis, 602, 603-604

Humane treatment of animals

Campbell, 605-606

Gray, 605

Shewman, 606

Willis, 605-606

Predator control

Campbell, 675-676

Wagner, 675

Willis, 674-675

Sire Purchase Policy

Roberts, 607-608

Willis, 607-608

Trade restrictions

Campbell, 1322-1323

Molgat, 1322

Willis, 1322

Local Government District (Thompson)

Agreement with International Nickel Co.

Campbell, 1197-1203, 1206-1208

Orlikow, 1152-1156, 1201-1202

Paulley, 1194, 1203, 1209

Prefontaine, 1208, 1211

Roblin, 1204-1208

Thompson, 1156-1157, 1203-1204, 1208-1211

Local government districts


Molgat, 1212-1213

Prefontaine, 1213

Thompson, 1212-1213

McDiarmid, 7

Unconditional grants

Molgat, 1214

Thompson, 1214

Local Government Districts

Grants to

Prefontaine, 352-353

Roblin, 352-353

Local Government Districts Act, An Act to amend The

[Bill 22]

1R, Thompson, 31


Molgat, 59

Thompson, 59

C/W, 373

3R, 374

R/A, 389

Lord Strathcona

Johnson, 152

Lower Red River Valley Water Authority

Miller, 569

Willis, 569

Lyon, Nancy Jane

Birth of

Campbell, 49

Lyon, 49-50

Paulley, 49

Roblin, 49

Lyon, Sterling R. (Fort Garry) P.C.

Attorney General

Salaries, 708-709

Business Development Fund Act, an Act to amend

[Bill 89]

1R, 981

Child Welfare Act, An Act to Amend the

[Bill 81]

2R, 1396-1399, 1423-1425

Child Welfare Act No. 2, An Act to amend The

1R, 1243

Commissioner of Oaths, 236, 355

Coroner's inquests

Recommendations, 640

County Court districts

Bailiff services, 758

Crime and criminals

Crime prevention, 753

Distribution of Gas in Greater Winnipeg, An Ac to facilitate the

[Bill 74]

3R, 1470-1472

Falcon Lake

Beer sales, 949

Gaols Act, an act to amend the

[Bill 99]

1R, 1297

Gaols and penal institutions

Northern Manitoba, 715

Prison chaplains, 718-719

Prisoners confined at the pleasure of the Lieutenant-Governor, 776

Qualifications of superintendents, 802

Segregation of younger inmates, 772, 775

Staff salaries, 773-774

Staffing, 773

Women's institutions, 711-712

Work camps, 750, 772-773, 775

Headingley Gaol

Education opportunities, 751

Prison population statistics, 770-773

Work camps, 713-714

Highway Traffic Act

[Bill 3]

2R, 585-586

Amendments, 254

Hunting and trapping activity

Gun safety, 968-969

Impaired driving, 766

Interpretation Act, An Act to amend The

[Bill 15]

1R, 15

2R, 57

John Howard and Elizabeth Fry Society

Financial assistance, 712

Juvenile and Family Court, 781

Staff psychologist, 780

Land Titles Office

Mechanization of procedures, 758

Law Amendments, Standing Committee on

1st Report, 253

2nd Report, 953

3rd Report, 981

Law of Property Act, An Act to amend The

[Bill 95]

1R, 1243

2R, 1431-1432

Law reform committee, 710

Law Society of Manitoba

Legal aid services, 709, 759-765

Legislative Counsel

Retirement, 766

Liquor Control Act, an act to amend

[Bill 98]

1R, 1297

Liquor price increase, 69

Lyon, Nancy Jane, birth of, 49-50

Magistrate's Court

Centralization, 752

Full-time magistrates, 752

Guilty pleas, 769-770

Salaries, 712

Magistrate's Court (Winnipeg), 709

Manitoba Gazette, 357-358

Manitoba Home for Boys

Staffing, 805

Manitoba Home for Girls, 715-716

After-care, 803

Staffing, 804-805

Manitoba Mineral Transactions Enquiry Commission, 935-936

Marymound Home, 716

Mentally incompetent persons

Administration of estates, 806

Oil leasing commission, 710

Penal reform

Distribution of power, 711

Fauteux Commission, 749

Female prisoners, 711-712

Portage Gaol for Women

Segregation, 776

Probation officers

Education opportunities, 751-752

Recommendations for sentencing, 783

Salaries, 718

Probation services

General comments, 749-750

Rural Manitoba, 717-718

RCMP, 777-778

Real Property Act, an Act to amend

[Bill 41]

1R, 1039

2R, 1450-1451

Remand facilities for girls, 802-803

Riverbank erosion

Compensation, 685

Search and rescue operations

Posting of rewards, 768, 770

Summary Convictions Act, An Act to amend The

[Bill 16]

2R, 57

Throne Speech debate, 92-96

Uniformity of Legislation Committee, 779-780

Vaughan Street Detention Home, 803

Winnipeg Charter, 1956 (1), An Act to amend The

[Bill 48]

2R, 165

Winnipeg Charter, 1956 and to validate By-laws Nos. 17959 and 18073, An Act to amend The

[Bill 45]

2R, 323, 324-325

3R, 992

Workmen's Compensation Act (1)

[Bill 12]

3R, 1457

Youth Committee, 753-756, 758

Youth crime

Education programs, 497


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