Agriculture and Food - 2nd Session - 39th Legislature
East-Man Feeds. See Friesen, Ron
Eichler, Ralph (Lakeside) PC
Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities) (Bill 17)
Business community, effect on, 388
Country-of-origin labelling, 281, 302, 531-532
Economic impact, 149-150
Feed technology changes, 371-372
Hutterite communities, expansion of, 220
Insurance value of farms, 154
Lake Winnipeg
Pollution of, main contributor, 36
Manure phosphorous, removal process, 124
Motion to withdraw Bill 17, 705, 709
Nutrient management regulations, 226, 463
Regulations, long term impact, 86
Rural community, impact on, 704
Sewage lagoon, tarp permit costs, 383
Enns, Hank (Manitoba Corn Growers Association)
Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities) (Bill 17)
Corn growing industry, impact on, 44-45
Public presentations, 43-44
Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities) (Bill 17). See also National Centre for Livestock and the Environment; Specific Hutterite colonies
Agricultural waste products
Environmentally friendly alternatives
Kozier, Christopher, 605
Algae growth research
Graydon, 201-202
St. Hilaire, Ron, 201-202
Alternative approaches to ban
Routledge, Les, 661
Anerobic digestion
Costs of
Tully, Blaine, 687
General comments
Dick, Scott, 108
Newton, Weldon, 47
Animal confinement systems
Burns, Vicki, 685
Animal welfare
Burns, Vicki, 684
Richter, Susanne, 670
Antibiotic use, hog production
Clegg, Carol, 587
Ludwick, Diana, 291-294
Provis, Peter, 596
Struthers, 596
Biogas development
Routledge, Les, 661
Wiebe, Lauren, 631
Business community, effect on
Eichler, 388
Hofer, Jamie, 211-212
Paisley, Norm, 679
Rempel, Ken, 388
Sutherland, David, 666
Taillieu, 211
Cattle industry
Sadorski, Shane, 434
Unrau, Martin, 40
CEC report recommendations
Sadorski, Shane, 437
Chicken producers
Klassen, Waldie, 555
City of Winnipeg, sewage overflow
Baer, Nathan, 363
Bell, Alan, 276
Friesen, Dwayne, 429
Graydon, 427-428
Neufeld, Kathy, 427-428
Stevenson, Dennis, 413
Waldner, Matthew, 676
Winnicky, Don, 423
Confined hog system
Graydon, 371
Koroluk, Glen, 370-371
Corn growing industry, impact on
Enns, Hank, 44-45
Gerrard, 44
Country-of-origin labelling
Forchuk, Lara, 404
Freig, Ab, 21-22
Kroeker, Don, 282
McFadyen, 302
Pauls, Darcy, 532
Penner, Melvin, 462-463
Siemens, Ernie, 301
Swan, 302
Dairy farmers
Bannister, John, 274
Dairy industry, impact on
deJong, Peter, 432
Holtman, Henry, 400
Distiller's grains
Bond, Jeff, 554
Hog rations
Bond, Jeff, 555
Briese, 554-555
Economic impact
Bell, Alan, 277
Bergmann, Rick, 665
Craig, Colin, 149
Dyck, Gordon, 573
Eichler, 149-150
Ferriss, Bryan, 54
Gross, Martin, 490-491
Gross, Sam, 59
Hunter, David, 351
Neufeld, Kathy, 426
Preun, John, 91
Thiessen, Dennis, 356
Economic spinoffs, hog industry
Plaitin, Curt, 469
Economic sustainability of industry
Dolecki, Joe, 226
Struthers, 226
Employment, impact on
McDonald, John, 153
Neufeld, Ted, 414
Environmental impact
Dobson, J. Neil, 146
Environmental livestock initiatives
Mah, Peter, 702
Environmental monitoring
Mah, Peter, 703
Environmental sustainability
Dolecki, Joe, 225
Environmentally friendly production practices
Struthers, 466
Tokaruk, Christopher, 466
Cressman, Blair, 483
Ethanol industry, expansion of
Bond, Jeff, 553-554
Ethanol production
Sharpe, Martin, 657-658
Expansion constraints
Borotsik, 612
Friesen, Rick, 659-660
Klassen, Eric, 612
Siemens, Stan, 381
Waldner, John, 459-460
Expansion plans (Maple Leaf Agri-Farms)
Bergmann, Richard, 26
Wowchuk, 26
Expansion plans (Puratone Corporation)
Frieg, Ab, 22
McFadyen, 22
Expansion uncertainty
Kroeker, John, 98
Expansion, financing for
Peters, Lyle, 368
Timmerman, Ray, 65-66
Farm animal care
McDonald, Bill, 688
Farm assessment values
Briese, 67
Rasmussen, Roland, 67
Farm relocations
Maguire, 92
Preun, John, 92
Feed technology changes
Eichler, 371-372
Koroluk, Glen, 371-372
Flood plains, development on
Pedersen, 495
Schnell, Brad, 495
Genetic advancements, hogs
Gerrard, 467
Tokaruk, Christopher, 467
Grain industry, impact on
Newton, Weldon, 47
Greenhouse gas reduction
Routledge, Les, 661
Hanover septic field
Development concerns
Cavers, Doug, 267
High health status of herds, definition of
Maguire, 519
Sheridan, Michael, 519
Hog industry, water consumption
Clegg, Carol, 586
Hog industry, west-side expansion
Ferriss, Bryan, 55
Wowchuk, 55
Hutterite communities, exodus of
Hofer, James, 360
Taillieu, Mavis, 359
Hutterite communities, expansion of
Eichler, 220
Gross, Andy, 220
Hofer, Marie, 452
Hofer, Tom, 131
Pedersen, 131
Wowchuk, 452
Hutterite communities, impact on
Gross, Sam, 60
Hofer, Aaron, 71-72
Hofer, Ben, 62-63
Hofer, Dwayne, 223
Hofer, Jack, 215-216
Hofer, Jacob, 183-184
Kleinsasser, Denny, 230
Kleinsasser, Ian, 213
Maendel, Larry, 227-228
Maendel, Mike, 208
Radcliffe, Mike, 699-700
Rowat, 208-209
Taillieu, 208
Van Schepdael, Mike, 648
Waldner, Steven, 446
Waldner, Tom, 243-244
Wipf, Peter, 229-230
Immigrant workers
Robles, Dennis, 602-603
Immigration, impact on
Goertzen, 105
Neustaedter, Paul, 106
Insurance value of farms
Eichler, 154
Friesen, Leonard John, 622
Lake Winnipeg
Cottage developments
Gerrard, 585
Wishart, Ian, 585
Effectiveness of ban
Derkach, Leonard, 351
Hunter, David, 351-352
Phosphorous loading
Kynoch, Karl, 4-5
Phosphorous loading (flooding)
Kozier, Christopher, 605
Pollution of, main contributor
Bell, Alan, 276
Burns, Vicki, 684
Eichler, 36
Hildebrandt, Dave, 671
Hofer, Jamie, 209
Maguire, 42-43
McIvor, Greg, 565
Steinke, Allen, 194
Sutherland, David, 666
Sykes, Michael, 502
Unrau, Martin, 43
Waldner, Peter, 652
Wasylowski, Garry, 36
Sewage lagoons
Foster, Harold, 574
Sewer drainage into
Byggdin, Brent, 113-114
Gerrard, 55
Matheson, Bill, 138
Struthers, 114
Livestock operations, municipal rights
Martens, Herm, 34
Pedersen, 34
Livestock sector, impact on
Cavers, Doug, 266
Long-term impact
Klippenstein, Dan, 521
Pauls, Darcy, 528
Low-cost production
Klippenstein, Dan, 523
Maguire, 522-523
Manitoba Pork Council
Dolecki, Joe, 224-225
Manure application process
Dick, Scott, 108
Maendel, Chris, 271
Peters, Ed, 576
Manure application, sustainability of
Faurschou, 87-88
Manure injection process
Manitoba percentage
Gerrard, 260
Vaags, Bill, 260
Manure management practices
Bergen, Levi, 669
Hofer, Edward, 512
Hop, Marinus, 421
Leppelmann, Tom, 488-489
Loewen, 107
Maendel, Edward, 663
Marshall, Joe, 300
Penner, Melvin, 462
Wipf, Peter, 230
Manure phosphorous, removal process
Eichler, 124
Wollmann, Garry, 124
Manure runoff
Dickson, Andrew, 121
Manure treatment technology
Hombach, Peter, 286
McDonald, Bill, 688-689
Mennonite communities
Klippenstein, Dan, 520
Methane harvesting
Kleinsasser, Ian, 213
Motion to withdraw Bill 17
Driedger, 708
Goertzen, 539-541, 544-545, 706-708
Maguire, 545
Struthers, 708-709
Nitrogen fertilizer
Gerrard, 6-7
Kynoch, Karl, 6-7
Nutrient loading levels
Cavers, Doug, 266
Tait, Fred, 37-38
Nutrient management approaches
Flaten, Don, 282-283
Hunter, David, 350
Siemens, Kurt, 101
Nutrient management approaches (Europe)
Wishart, Ian, 584-585
Nutrient management approaches (Québec)
Stott, Sheldon, 52
Nutrient management regulations
Dolecki, Joe, 227
McLean, Robert, 11
Penner, Melvin, 463
Phosphorous in feed
Fast, Fred, 673
Schultz, Herb, 156
Waldner, Matthew, 675
Waldner, Sheldon, 453
Phosphorous level monitoring
Newton, Weldon, 45-46
Phosphorous levels in soil
Gerrard, 19
Wiens, David, 19-20
Phosphorous regulations, regional imbalance
Pryzner, Ruth, 9-10
Struthers, 9
Phosphorous, natural occurrences of
Briese, 30
Tolton, Garry, 30
Phosphorus environmental impact
Pryzner, Ruth, 8
Phytase enzyme
Briese, 76
Graydon, 198
Peters, Sieg, 198
Struthers, 454
Waldner, Mike, 76
Waldner, Sheldon, 453-454
Planning district model
Briese, 375
deBekker, Arian, 375
Public presentations
Allen, John, 352-354
Baer, Nathan, 362-364
Baer, Titus, 474
Baird, Julie, 507-509
Bannister, John, 273-274
Beaudin, Miles, 652-654
Bell, Alan, 276-278
Bergen, Levi, 668-669
Bergen, Menno, 526-528
Bergmann, Art, 88-89
Bergmann, Richard, 23-25
Bergmann, Rick, 664-665
Bond, Jeff, 553-554
Brimoh, Olayinka, 360-361
Bryska, Tracey, 691-693
Burns, Vicki, 683-685
Byggdin, Brent, 113-114
Camara, George, 336-337
Cavers, Doug, 265-266
Cherniak, Raymond, 505-507
Clegg, Carol, 586-587
Clegg, Leon, 589
Connor, Laurie, 607-608
Craig, Colin, 148-149
Cressman, Blair, 482-484
Cutler, Neil, 532-533
Dann, Harvey, 405-407
de Jong, Peter, 430-431
deBekker, Arian, 373-374
Dick, Scott, 108-109
Dickson, Andrew, 120-122
Dobson, J. Neil, 144-146
Dolecki, Joe, 224-226
Downey, Geoffrey, 610
Driedger, Wally, 613-614
Dyck, Gordon, 571-572
Enns, Hank, 43-44
Falk, Jason, 191-192
Fast, Fred, 673-674
Fehr, Greg, 567-569
Ferriss, Bryan, 53-54
Flaten, Don, 282-283
Forchuk, Lara, 402-403
Foster, Harold, 573-575
Foster, Ken, 561-562
Freig, Ab, 20-21
Friesen, Dwayn e, 428-430
Friesen, Jeff, 94-96
Friesen, Larry, 676-677
Friesen, Leonard John, 622-623
Friesen, Rick, 659-660
Friesen, Ron, 76-78
Friesen, Wendy, 623-624
Funk, Raymond, 457-458
Gould, Dickson, 681-682
Grant, David, 696-697
Greaves, Tom, 202-203
Grenier, Adrien, 320-324
Grenier, Joel, 377-378
Grenier, Paul, 327-330
Gross, Adrian, 449-450
Gross, Andy, 219-220
Gross, Martin, 490-491
Gross, Nathan, 82-83
Gross, Sam, 59-60
Gsell, David, 296-298
Hacault, Marcel, 331-334
Hamilton, Judith, 514-516
Hand, Fergus, 534-535
Harris, Dawn, 68-70
Harrison, Bill, 133-136
Herman, Darryl, 125-126
Hildebrandt, Dave, 671-672
Hofer, Aaron, 71-72
Hofer, Aaron P., 558-560
Hofer, Ben, 61-62
Hofer, Bennett, 382-383
Hofer, David, 418
Hofer, Dwayne, 223
Hofer, Edward, 511-513
Hofer, Edwin, 485-486
Hofer, Isaac, 650
Hofer, Jack, 215-216
Hofer, Jacob, 183-184
Hofer, James, 358-359
Hofer, Jamie, 209-210
Hofer, Jason, 589
Hofer, Marie, 450-451
Hofer, Michael, 612-613
Hofer, Phillip, 523-524
Hofer, Steve, 384-385
Hofer, Terry, 217-218
Hofer, Tom, 130-131
Holtman, Henry, 398-400
Hombach, Peter, 285-286
Hop, Beerd, 26-28
Hop, Justina, 551-552
Hop, Marinus, 421
Hop, Rena, 419
Hunter, David, 349-351
Johnston, Ron, 392-394
Jolicoeur, Dave, 591
Klassen, Brian, 245-246
Klassen, Eric, 611
Klassen, Waldie, 555-556
Kleinsasser, Denny, 239-240
Kleinsasser, Ian, 212-213
Kleinsasser, Robert, 625
Kleinsasser, Victor, 248-250
Klippenstein, Dan, 520-522
Klippenstein, Julianna, 525-526
Klippenstein, Matthew, 535-537
Klippenstein, Ron, 251-252
Koelstra, Rika, 496-497
Kornelsen, Dennis, 205
Koroluk, Glen, 369-370
Kozier, Dennis, 604-606
Kroeker, Don, 279-280
Kroeker, John, 98-99
Kurbis, Kevin, 655-656
Kynoch, Christine, 499-500
Kynoch, Karl, 3-5
Lachance, Claude, 186-187
Lanouette, Mark, 581-582
Latimer, Chris, 592-594
Leppelmann, Tom, 488-489
Loewen, Cliff, 107-108
Loewen, Lyle, 395-396
Ludwick, Diana, 291-293
Maendel, Albert, 616-617
Maendel, Cameron, 231
Maendel, Chris, 271-272
Maendel, Edward, 663-664
Maendel, Jeremy, 487-488
Maendel, Jonathan, 482
Maendel, Kenneth, 617-619
Maendel, Larry, 227-228
Maendel, Leonard, 390-392
Maendel, Mike, 207-208
Maendel, Mike (Retired teacher), 620-621
Maendel, Paul, 470
Maendel, Rickey, 424-425
Mah, Peter, 701-703
Marshall, Joe, 299-300
Martens, Herm, 32-33
Martin, Doug, 454-455
Martin, Gerry, 456-457
Martin, Shannon, 13-15
Matheson, Bill, 137-139
Matheson, George, 92-93
McDonald, Bill, 688
McDonald, John, 152-154
McFadyen, Hugh, 473-474
McIvor, Greg, 564-566
McLean, Robert, 10-12
McNaughton, Jason, 537-539
Mohr, Perry, 236-237
Morrison, John, 175-179
Muench, Greg, 690-691
Neufeld, Kathy, 426-427
Neufeld, Ten, 413-415
Neustaedter, Paul, 104-105
Newton, Weldon, 45-47
Nickel, John, 340-341
Paisley, Norm, 679-680
Pauls, Darcy, 529-530
Penner, Brendan, 415-416
Penner, Evan, 443
Penner, Jack, 478-479
Penner, Melvin, 461-462
Penner, Reg, 626-627
Penner, Rolf, 632-634
Penner, Scott, 570
Penner, Steve, 446-447
Peters, Ed, 575-577
Peters, Galen, 627-629
Peters, Jim, 510
Peters, Lyle, 366-367
Peters, Mark, 600-602
Peters, Sieg, 197-198
Plaitin, Curt, 468-469
Preun, John, 91-92
Provis, Peter, 595-596
Pryzner, Ruth, 7-9
Radcliffe, Mike, 699-700
Rasmussen, Roland, 66
Redekop, Doug, 85-86
Rempel, Jacob, 674-675
Rempel, Ken, 387
Richter, Susanne, 670
Robles, Dennis, 602-603
Routledge, Les, 660-662
Sadorski, Shane, 434-436
Schinkel, Orville, 588-589
Schnell, Brad, 493-494
Schultz, Herb, 155-156
Seymour, Marty, 116-118
Sharpe, Martin, 657-658
Sheridan, Michael, 516-518
Siemens, Betty, 300-301
Siemens, Brian, 295
Siemens, Ernie, 301-302
Siemens, Gerald, 238-239
Siemens, Gordon, 379-380
Siemens, Harry, 141-142
Siemens, Kurt, 100-102
Siemens, Stan, 381
Sisson, Doug, 557-558
St. Hilaire, Ron, 199-200
Starmer, Graham, 56-57
Steinke, Allen, 193-195
Stoess, Kurt, 180-181
Stott, Madisson, 647
Stott, Sheldon, 49-51
Sutherland, David, 665-667
Sykes, Michael, 502-503
Taillefer, Richard, 189
Tait, Fred, 37-38
Teillet, Mike, 288-290
Temple, Xavier, 694-695
Thiessen, Dennis, 355-357
Timmerman, Ray, 63-65
Toews, Stan, 268-270
Tokaruk, Christopher, 464-466
Tolton, Garry, 29-30
Trinkies, Sandra, 262-264
Tully, Blaine, 686-687
Unrau, Martin, 40-41
Vaags, Bill, 259
Van Schepdael, Dan, 232
Van Schepdael, Joe, 337-338
Van Schepdael, Mike, 647-648
Van Walleghem, Dave, 463-464
Verhoog, Garry, 375-376
Waddell, Christine, 401-402
Waddell, Ken, 79-80
Waldner, Arnie, 240-242
Waldner, Arnold, 579-580
Waldner, David, 444-445
Waldner, Jacob, 649-650
Waldner, Johannes, 110-112
Waldner, John, 459-460
Waldner, Kelvin, 452
Waldner, Laura, 448-449
Waldner, Lyndon, 651
Waldner, Matthew, 675-676
Waldner, Mike "Spurs," 74-75
Waldner, Peter, 651-652
Waldner, Reuben, 472
Waldner, Sheldon, 453
Waldner, Steven, 445-446
Waldner, Tom, 243-244
Wall, Dave, 608-609
Wasylowski, Garry, 5-36
Weins, David, 17-18
White, Brian, 697-698
Wiebe, Lauren, 629-631
Winnicky, Don, 422-423
Wipf, Ray, 246-247
Wishart, Ian, 582-584
Wittenberg, Karin, 597-599
Wollman, Dwayne, 475-477
Wollmann, Garry, 123-124
Wurtz, David, 256-257
Wurtz, Michael, 254-256
Wurtz, Paul, 417-418
Wyrich, Daniel, 551
Red River Valley (flooding)
Friesen, Leonard John, 623
Penner, Rolf, 633
Regulations, long term impact
Eichler, 86
Redekop, Doug, 86-87
Stott, Sheldon, 51
Regulatory requirements
Dick, Scott, 108
Research and development
Bannister, John, 273-274
Gerrard, 12
Neustaedter, Paul, 105
Rural community, impact on
Eichler, 704
Mah, Peter, 704
Plaitin, Curt, 469
Septic field overflow
Sykes, Michael, 502
Sewage lagoon
Lakes and rivers
Bergen, Menno, 528
Derkach, 532
Methane production
Gerrard, 258
Wurtz, David, 258
Gerrard, 93
Matheson, George, 93
Tarp costs
Briese, 131-132
Hofer, Tom, 132
Tarp permit fee
Briese, 360
Eichler, 383
Hofer, Bennett, 383-384
Hofer, James, 360
Struthers, 383-384
Sewer drainage in waterways
Kroeker, John, 98
Soil types, ban area
Gould, Dickson, 681-682
Supporting infrastructure
Bond, Jeff, 554
Taillieu, 554
Sustainability of industry
Burns, Vicki, 684
Sustainable practices
Routledge, Les, 660-661
Synthetic fertilizers, price increase
Friesen, Leonard John, 622
Tax contribution
Bryksa, Tracey, 693-694
Gerrard, 693
Technical review committees
Cavers, 268
Holtman, Henry, 400
Urban/rural divide
Borotsik, 624
Friesen, Wendy, 624
Stefanson, 624
Veterinary practice, food animals
Tully, Blaine, 687
Veterinary practice, impact on
Muench, Greg, 691
Veterninarians, impact on
Sheridan, Michael, 517
West-side development, sustainability of
Gould, Dickson, 681
Wetland construction
Grant, David, 697
Written submissions
Abu Rehan, Syed, 162
Andres, Michael, 724
Arklie, C. Hugh, 643-644
Bates, Darren, 638
Bergsma, Auke, 163-164
Cardy, Andy, 715-717
Chappell, Dr. Brad, 718
Clubb, Lindy, 635
Dolecki, Joe, 310-312
Ewert, Lorena, 163
Falk, Lydia, 725-726
Fargher, Kelly, 164
Froese, Harold, 157-159
Funk, Irvin, 728-729
Ginter, Ben, 726-727
Gould, Dickson, 723-724
Grenier, Adrien, 343
Grenier, Paul, 343-344
Gross, Aaron, 637
Gross, Alvin, 545-546
Gross, Conrad, 714-715
Gross, Jonathan, 637
Gross, Paul, 546
Hacault, Marcel, 345-346
Hedman, David, 719-720
Hedman, Louise, 722
Henrotte, Elaine, 304
Honey, Janet, 721-722
Kennedy, Cheryl, 304-306
Klassen, Sandra, 712-713
Kleinsasser, Ian, 312-313
Kynoch, Karl, 164-169
Leschyshyn, Joe, 160-162
Ludwick, Diana, 313-317
Manning, Brent, 713-714
Marion, Dr. Colleen, 718
Miller, Clint, 715
Morrison, John, 306-310
Nay, Bonnie, 636
Rosolowski, Henry, 639-641
Rutherford, Randy, 728
Sirski, Ernie, 714
Starmer, Graham, 169-172
Sukkau, Richard, 546
Taillefer, Claudette, 637-638
Thornson, Estelle, 727-728
Tkachyk, Randy, 437-438
Toles, Kevin, 546
Trafford, Denise, 159-160, 717
Trinkies, Ashley, 162-163
Waddell, Andrew, 719
Waldner, David, 638-639
Waldner, Josh, 713
Waldner, Joshua, 717-718
Waldner, Mack, 438-439
Wiebe, Jake and Lorraine, 724-725
Wittenberg, Karin, 641-643
Young farmers, viability of
Greaves, Tom, 202
Environmental Technologies and Export Initiatives Association (ETEIA). See Hombach, Peter
Enviropig. See Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities)
Ethanol industry. See Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities)
Ethanol production. See Husky Oil
Ewert, Lorena (Private Citizen)
Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities) (Bill 17)
Written submissions, 163