Senate Elections Index - 3rd Session - 39th Legislature
Saunders, Nick (Norway House Cree Nation)
Aboriginal participation, 232
Senate reform, consultations
Aboriginal representation, 230, 233
Public presentation, 230
Schmidt, Bob (Private Citizen)
Senate reform, consultations
Party affiliations, 101
Public presentation, 99-101
Qualifications for Senate positions, 101
Senate reform, consultations
Abolition recommendations
Bradshaw, 109-110
Brown, B, 191
Chubb-Kennedy, 150
East, 222
Lamoureux, 143-144
Pedersen, 216
Pettersen, 216
Aboriginal representation
Chubb-Kennedy, 151
Howard, 151
Kennedy, 219
Kolt, 224-225
Krpan, 41-42
Martindale, 41
Nevakshonoff, 232-233
Reagan, 224
Wiebe, 5-6
Ballot process
Baird, 138
Brown, 20-21
Dziewit, 143
Faurschou, 20-21, 90, 98, 102, 106, 138, 143
Lamoureux, 38, 103, 107-108, 167, 175, 220
Mackling, 175
McKinnon, 38
McPhee, 91
Montgomery, 98
Ostash, 54
Parsons, 167
Therien, 220
Campaign financing requirements
Allain, 35-36
Brown, 129
Byfield, 131
Coombs, 103
Faurschou, 30
Howard, 146
Jackson, 62
Jennissen, 5
Lamont, 185
McLelland, 30
Sigurdson, 28
Taylor, 74
Wiebe, 5
Citizen's assemblies input
Nevakshonoff, 68-69
Wesley, 68-69
Committee processes
Faurschou, 42
Krpan, 42-43
Comparison with appointments
Baird, 139
Taillieu, 138-139
Conflict concerns
Chaput, 124-125
Martindale, 124
Constituency issues
Ostash, 58-59
Wesley, 67
Constitutional challenges
Collins, 181
Lamont, 184-185
Pedersen, 184
Pouliot, 194-195
Costs of Senate
East, 221-222
Elected senate role
Nevakshonoff, 69
Wesley, 69
Election dates
Boyko, 206
Brown, 19
Eadie, 163-165
Lamoureux, 19, 27, 85, 98, 164-165
Marcelino, 98
Mark, 85
McLelland, 30
Montgomery, 98
Nevakshonoff, 56
Ostash, 57
Pedersen, 163
Phillips, 215
Rash, 197
Sigurdson, 27-28
Taylor, 74
Election jurisdiction
Derkach, 98
Lamoureux, 224
Montgomery, 98
Reagan, 224
Election nominees, selection process
Brown, 129-130
Faurschou, 67
Mark, 87
Election process
Bernardin, 3
Jennissen, 3
Lamoureux, 3
Election process (Alberta)
Brown, 132
Byfield, 133-135
Howard, 131-132
Lamoureux, 134
Taillieu, 132
Election process (Australia)
Eadie, 161-162
Francophone representation
Allain, 35
Baird, 138
Boucher, 117-118
Brown, 130
Pedersen, 35
Gender parity concerns
Allain, 34
Dziewit, 145
Lamoureux, 145
Wiebe, 5
House deadlock solutions
Carstairs, 172-173
Sigurdson, 26
Hybrid election options
Boucher, 120
Carstairs, 171-172
Hechter, 157
Independent candidates
Dziewit, 143
Howard, 142-143
Independent council candidate selection
Hechter, 156-157
Lamoureux, 157
Marcelino, 156
Pedersen, 156
Outside influences, checks and balance
Borotsik, 71-72
Wesley, 71-72
Party affiliations
Brown, 19
Chaput, 125
Derkach, 101
Faurschou, 47
Grove, 226
Howard, 92
Krpan, 43-44
Lamoureux, 6, 19, 27, 85, 125, 149, 154, 215
Levesque, 48-49
Mandrake, 140
Marcelino, 56
Mark, 85
McPhee, 92
Ostash, 56
Phillips, 215
Pouliot, 154
Schmidt, 101
Sigurdson, 27
Wiebe, 6
Yerex, 149
Provincial senate, viability of
Faurschou, 70
Wesley, 70
Public communications
Chaput, 123-124
McKinnon, 39
Nevakshonoff, 39
Pedersen, 123-124
Public opinion
East, 220-221
Public presentations
Allain, 31-34
Ashton, 146-147
Baird, 136-137
Bernardin, 2-3
Boucher, 115-119
Bradshaw, 109-110
Brown, B, 126-128
Brown, D, 18-19
Byfield, 132-134
Carstairs, 168-170
Chaput, 120-123
Chubb-Kennedy, 149-151
Collins, 180-182
Coombs, 101-102
Dayson, 110-111
Dobbie, 175-178
Dziewit, 141-142
Eadie, 160-163
East, 220-222
Forrest, 44-46
Hechter, 154-156
Jackson, 59
Kennedy, 218
Kolt, 224-225
Krpan, 39-41
Lamont, 182-184
Lindsey, 216-217
Mackling, 173-174
Mandrake, 140
Mark, 81-83
McKinnon, 36-38
McLelland, 28-29
McPhee, 88-90
Montgomery, 96-97
Nerbas, 107
Orsak, 104-105
Ostash, 52-53
Parsons, 165-167
Pettersen, 215-216
Phillips, 212-214
Pouliot, 152-153
Reagan, 222-224
Saunders, 230
Schmidt, 99-101
Sigurdson, 24-26
Therien, 219-220
Watt, 157-159
Wesley, 64-67
Whyte, 224
Wiebe, 3-4
Yerex, 147-149
Qualifications for Senate positions
Avanthay, 189-190
Borotsik, 60-61
Coombs, 207
Dewar, 42
Eadie, 163
Jackson, 60-61
Krpan, 42
Montgomery, 98-99
Nerbas, 108-109
Nevakshonoff, 98-99
Ostash, 54-55
Pedersen, 163
Pouliot, 154
Schmidt, 101
Representation, constitutional requirements
Jackson, 60
Wesley, 70-71
Representation, proportional
Brown, 130-131
Dziewit, 142-143
Eichler, 153
Forrest, 46-47
Howard, 70
Krpan, 41-42
Mark, 86
Martindale, 41-42, 46, 130-131, 142
Pouliot, 153
Wesley, 70
Representation, provincial
Brown, 192
Caldwell, 63
Howard, 55
Jackson, 63-64
Lamoureux, 84
Mark, 84-85
Monk, 84-85
Representation, regional
Ashton, N, 147
Baird, 139
Bernardin, 3
Boucher, 119-120
Brown, 20
Byfield, 135
Dayson, 111
Faurschou, 108, 111, 135, 217-219
Forrest, 47
Kennedy, 218-219
Lindsey, 217-218
Mackling, 174
McLelland, 29-30
Nerbas, 108
Orsak, 105-106
Rowat, 4
Sigurdson, 25
Wiebe, 4-5
Representation, vote
Brown, 20
Faurschou, 20
Early retirement enticements
Brown, 128-129
Derkach, 106-107
Faurschou, 128-129
Jackson, 62-63
Lamoureux, 58, 62-63, 73, 91, 106
Orsak, 106-107
Ostash, 58
Wesley, 73
Mandatory age
Brown, 19
Chaput, 125-126
Eadie, 164
East, 222
Lamoureux, 125
Marcelino, 163-164
Sigurdson, 25
Wiebe, 6
Senate appointments
Nevakshonoff, 57
Ostash, 57-58
Senate impartiality
Millier, 75-77
Senate mandate and contributions
Bradshaw, 109
Brown, 193
Carstairs, 171
Collins, 181-182
Coombs, 103
Derkach, 103
Dobbie, 179
East, 221
Howard, 178-179
Lamoureux, 84, 159-160, 171, 179
Mandrake, 140
Mark, 84
Martindale, 7
Watt, 160
Wiebe, 7
Single transferable vote
Martindale, 5
Wiebe, 4-5
Term limits for senators
Baird, 139
Borotsik, 72
Caldwell, 59
Dewar, 27
Dziewit, 145-146
Grove, 226
Jackson, 60-61
Kolt, 225
Mark, 85
McLelland, 29
McPhee, 90
Morrison, 209
Nevakshonoff, 57
Ostash, 57
Sigurdson, 27
Therien, 220
Wesley, 72
Written submissions
Alexander, J., 209
Alexander, W., 209
Arklie, 189
Avanthay, 189-190
Baturin, 189
Boyko, 205-206
Brown, 190-193
Chudobiak, 15
Coombs, 206-207
Davidson, 204-205
Delorme, 22
Dobson, 202-203
Garlich, 8
Grove, 225-227
Hrushovetz, 79
Kunzelman, 8
Levesque, 48-49
Lucyshen, 15
Miller, 8
Millier, 74-77
Morrison, 207-209
Orsulak, 8
Phillips, 203
Pouliot, 193-195
Rash, 195-199
Sewell, 206
Stadnyk, 79
Stratton, 199-202
Taylor, 73-74allain
Teller, 206
Thomas, 8-15
Uchtmann, 202
Winkless, 15
Yerex, 78-79
Sewell, Doran (Private Citizen)
Senate reform, consultations
Written submission, 206
Sigurdson, Hugh (Private Citizen)
Senate reform, consultations
Campaign financing requirements, 28
Election dates, 27-28
House deadlock solutions, 26
Party affiliations, 27
Public presentation, 24-26
Representation, regional, 25
Retirement, mandatory age, 25
Term limits for senators, 27
Stadnyk, Steve (Private Citizen)
Senate reform, consultations
Written submission, 79
Stratton, Hon. Terry (Private Citizen)
Senate reform, consultations
Written submission, 199-202