STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 40th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Natural gas. See Manitoba Hydro
Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month Act (Bill 214)
Opening statements
Rowat, SED162-163
Public presentations
Anderson, SED152-154
Bart Hamel, SED155
Degagne, SED149-150
Demers, SED155-157
Goodall-George, SED136-137
Gregorash, SED133-135
Kostyshyn, SED150-151
Lissenberg, SED139-141
Loewen, SED137-139
Maione, SED157-158
Nykoliation, SED131-132
Penner, SED151-152
Written submissions
DePratto, SED164-165
Marion-Gerula, SED164
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Prohibitions of Flavoured Tobacco and Other Amendments) (Bill 52)
Clause 2(1)
Passed, JU5
Clause 3 subsection 6.5(2)
Blady, JU53
Graydon, JU53
Clause 7
Passed, JU54
Chewing tobacco ban
Cunningham, JU6
Flavoured pipe exemptions
Klander, JU22-23
Illegal trade in
Dalton, JU40
Hinds, JU37-38
Klander, JU23
Menthol ban
Bernhardt-Lowdon, JU41
Cunningham, JU6
Opening statements
Blady, JU50-51
Graydon, JU51
Possession fines
Gerrard, JU24
Klander, JU24
Product exemptions
Dalton, JU39
Public presentations
Andrushuk, JU43
Bernhardt-Lowdon, JU40-42
Bortoluzzi, JU42-43
Crawford, JU19
Cunningham, JU25-27
Dalton, JU38-39
Gibson, JU32-33
Guilford, JU34-35
Hinds, JU35
Klander, JU22-23
Maan, JU43-44
More, JU20
Morris, JU44
Ward, JU43
Written submissions
Bidzinski, JU66-67
Burgess, JU66
Couldwell, JU65-66
Fitzgerald, JU62-63
Klukas, JU63-64
Kumar, JU68
Martial, JU58-62
Ross, JU64
Skolnik, JU67-68
Aboriginal employment supports
Irvin-Ross, SED13
Wishart, SED13
Auditor General's report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014-Chapter 9: Northern Airports and Marine Operations
Expenses, online monitoring of
McNeil, PA86
Wiebe, PA86
Manitoba Hydro
Power connection costs
Eichler, CC27
Thomson, CC27
Solar power
Eichler, CC27
Thomson, CC27
System rates
Eichler, CC26-27
Thomson, CC26-27
Noxious Weeds Act. See Environment Amendment Act (Reducing Pesticide Exposure)
Nurse Practitioner Day Act (Bill 203)
Opening statements
T. Marcelino, SED160
Nykoliation, Jeffrey (Private Citizen)
Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month Act (Bill 214)
Public presentations, SED131-132