Social and Economic Development - 2nd Session - 41st Legislature
Lamoureux, Cindy (Burrows) Lib.
Local Vehicles for Hire Act (Bill 30)
Licence values, decrease in, 265
Municipal oversight, 308
Opening statements, 563-564
Lindsey, Tom (Flin Flon) NDP
Fiscal Responsibility and Taxpayer Protection Act (Bill 21)
Clause 8, 145
Minister's salaries, 145
Local Vehicles for Hire Act (Bill 30)
Compensation, 332, 344, 351, 490, 491
Criminal records checks, 509
Driver and passenger safety, 334, 342, 488
Electronic payment methods, concerns for, 488, 507
Insurance costs, 552
Licence values, decrease in, 332
Municipal oversight, 330, 338, 533
Safety standards, 340-341, 379, 508
Minimum Wage Indexation Act (Employment Standards Code Amended) (Bill 33)
Basic personal tax credit increase, 178, 184
Living wage, 157
Opening statements, 191
Social determinants of health, 164
Tuition indexed to inflation, 158-159
Public Services Sustainability Act (Bill 28)
Consultations, 75, 77, 80, 105-106
Opening statements, 115-116
Physician recruitment and retention, 66
Regulatory Accountability Act and Amendment to The Statutes and Regulations Act (Bill 22)
Agriculture regulations, 135
Living wage. See Minimum Wage Indexation Act (Employment Standards Code Amended)
Local Vehicles for Hire Act (Bill 30)
Accessibility services
Bains, H., 422-423
Brar, Harvinder, 505
Sabioura, 392
Singh, Gurinder, 537
Sosa, C., 529
Wharton, 562
Accessible transportation requirements
Mangat, B., 210
Mankewich, 203
Sosa, C., 529
Accessible transportation, responsibility for
Fletcher, 203-204
Mankewich, 204
Clause 3(2)(i)(i)
Maloway, 564
Clause 3(2)(j)
Maloway, 565
Clause 10(2)(b)
Maloway, 565
Clause 11(2)
Maloway, 567
Clause 21
Maloway, 567
Allum, 457
Bedi, J., 249
Bedi, K., 344
Beyene, 542-543
Bhangoo, 540
Brar, Simarjeet, 356-357
Chahal, 391
Chhokar, 285
Dhaliwal, H., 332
Dhaliwal, S., 403
Dhaliwal, V., 495
Dullat, 279
Gerrard, 528
Ghuman, M., 245
Ghuman, V., 471
Gill, Amitoj, 498
Gill, K., 301
Gill, T., 209
Golom, 501
Hailemariam, 301
Helwer, 390-391
Homenick, 368-369
Isleifson, 544-545
Lindsey, 332, 344, 351, 490, 491
Maloway, 200-201, 209, 245, 264, 301, 304, 357, 376, 417, 528, 545, 563
Marcelino, Ted, 198
Mussie, 367
Petros, 491
Phind, 431
Prentice, 362
Randhawa, D., 457
Rebeck, 198-199
Sandhu, V., 270
Schafer, 201
Sidhu, J., 545
Singh, Govinder, 528
Singh, Gurcharn, 316
Singh, H., 490
Singh, J., 418
Takhar, 376
Telahun, 351
Wiebe, 402-403
Yohannes, 304-305
Complaint system
Bhangoo, 541
Brar, A., 326
Brar, Khushwant, 311-312
Gill, Amitoj, 499
Sandhu, V., 269-270
Sidhu, Sam, 292
Singh, Satwinder, 434
Telahun, 350
Criminal records checks
Amilal, 509
Bhullar, 254
Brar, Rajwant, 307
Deol, Jagjit, 503-504
Gill, Jaipal, 553
Jaswal, 303
Lindsey, 509
Mann, Bhupinder, 525
Sidhu, B., 376
Singh, Gurcharn, 316
Disability law compliance
Sosa, C., 530
Disability services, surge pricing
Sosa, C., 530
Disability transportation training
Mankewich, 202
Driver and passenger safety
Amilal, 507-508
Bains, H., 422-423
Bains, U., 427
Bassra, 323
Bedi, I., 289-290
Bedi, J., 249
Bedi, N., 341-342
Bhullar, 254
Brar, C., 267-268
Brar, Harbans, 488
Brar, J., 493
Brar, Karam, 287-288
Brar, Rajwant, 307
Brar, Satvir, 442
Brar, Simarjeet, 356
Dhaliwal, Harjot, 334
Dhaliwal, N., 337
Dhillon, Gurshvinder Singh, 261
Dhillon, Harjinder, 240
Gill, Amitoj, 498
Gill, I., 327
Gill, T., 208
Grewal, 313
Hailemariam, 301
Los, 274
Maloway, 271
Mayer, 226-227
McFadyen, 418-419
Muhar, 251
Mussie, 366
Pandher, 227
Prentice, 362
Randhawa, R., 459
Saran, D., 371
Sharma, 237
Sidhu, Gurdeep Singh, 559
Sidhu, Sharabjeet, 271
Singh, Gurcharn, 316
Sodhi, Harjit, 535-536
Toor, Kuldip, 217
Wiebe, 412
Woldeselassie, 305
Duffy's Taxi
Toor, Kulwinder, 263
Electronic payment methods, concerns for
Brar, Harbans, 488
Marcelino, Flor., 548
Riyazi, 548-549
Flat rate system
Brar, A., 324
Mangat, B., 212
Mangat, H., 399
Sandhu, 273
Telahun, 350
Independent contractor model
Ashton, 532
Chhokar, 287
Kinew, 236
Moist, 236
Selinger, 287
Insurance costs
Allum, 360
Bedi, J., 250
Bhullar, 253
Brar, A., 325
Brar, Rupinder, 383
Chahal, 390
Dhaliwal, L., 395
Gill, C., 360
Gill, Jaipal, 553
Grewal, P., 412
Khosa, 246
Lindsey, 552
Marcelino, Flor., 250
Phind, 433
Singh, Gurmeet, 233
Insurance model
Gill, C., 359
Valeluru, 414-415
Insurance requirements
Gill, 208
Rebeck, 197
Singh, Gurcharn, 316
Legal recourse, removal of
Brar, C., 268
Gill, T., 208
Maloway, 238
Mann, Balreep, 557
Sharma, R., 238
Sidhu, Gurdeep Singh, 559
Sidhu, V., 231
Sran, 379
Telahun, 350
Licence shares, value of
Gill, Jaipal, 554
Mann, Balreep, 558
Teitsma, 557-558
Wharton, 554
Licence values, decrease in
Allum, 459-460
Bedi, B., 244
Bedi, K., 343
Brar, Harbans, 487
Deol, Jagjit, 502
Deol, Jaswant Singh, 214
Dhaliwal, H., 332
Dhaliwal, L., 395
Dhaliwal, V., 496
Ghuman, V., 471
Gill, Jaswant, 446
Gill, T., 209
Golom, 501
Hunjan, 451
Kinew, 243-244
Lamoureux, 265
Lindsey, 332
Maloway, 395
Mangat, H., 398
Mann, 400
Phind, 431
Randhawa, R., 460
Sidhu, V., 230
Singh, J., 417
Swan, 417
Telahun, 350
Toor, Kulwinder, 265
Wharton, 238
Licence values, history of
Prentice, 361
Licences, cost of
Dhaliwal, H., 331
Sidhu, J., 544
Licences, how to obtain
Dhillon, Gurshvinder Singh, 262
Dullat, 280
Isleifson, 262
Wharton, 280
Licences, transfer to municipalities
Chhokar, 285
Isleifson, 266
Kinew, 245
Sidhu, Sharabjeet, 271
Uppal, 266
Livelihoods, impact on
Akinola, 207
Allum, 358
Bains, H., 424
Bedi, B., 242-243
Bedi, N., 339
Brar, B., 228
Brar, C., 320-321
Deol, Jagjit, 502
Deol, Jaswant, 282
Deol, Jaswant Singh, 215
Derzie, 475
Dhaliwal, Harjot, 333
Dhaliwal, N., 337
Dhillon, A., 222
Dhillon, Gurshvinder Singh, 261
Dhillon, Manjeet, 345
Dhillon, Manjit, 364
Ghuman, M., 244
Ghuman, V., 471
Gill, A., 293
Grewal, I., 352
Grewal, M., 313
Kalaat, 555
Kensray, 285
Kinew, 206
Maan, R., 478
Mann, Bhupinder, 526
Mussie, 366
Phind, 433
Randhawa, R., 459
Sandhu, V., 269
Sangha, N., 348
Saran, M., 526
Sharma, M., 358
Sidhu, Gurdeep Singh, 558
Singh, Gurmeet, 232
Singh, Satwinder, 435
Sodhi, Herman, 443
Swan, 424
Takhar, 375
Toor, Kulwinder, 264
Uppal, 266
Wharton, 475
Woldeselassie, 305
Modern taxi services
Berhane, 453
Dhaliwal, Jattan, 336
Gill, 208
Hailemariam, 301
Kinew, 211
Municipal oversight
Ashton, 533
Bains, 427
Bindle, 560
Brar, Harbans, 488
Brar, J., 493
Brar, Rajwant, 308
Chahal, B., 483
Curry, 444
Dhaliwal, Harjot, 334
Dhaliwal, N., 338
Gill, G., 480
Gill, I., 329
Gill, K., 299
Kensray, K., 455
Lamoureux, 308
Sabioura, 393
Sandhu, B., 516-517
Saran, M., 516
Sidhu, Gurdeep Singh, 560
Sidhu, M., 546
Singh, Indergit, 330
Singh, Iqbal, 225
Sodhi, Herman, 444
Valeluru, 415
Opening statements
Lamoureux, 563-564
Maloway, 563
Wharton, 562-563
Owner-operator vs. employees
Isleifson, 211
Mangat, B., 211
Price surge policy--Uber
Dullat, 279
Homenick, 369
Mangat, B., 210
Marcelino, Flor., 548
McFadyen, 419
Rebeck, 198
Riyazi, 548-549
Sidhu, B., 376
Sidhu, Gurdeep Singh, 559
Public presentations
Aftab, 219-220
Akinola, 204-206
Amilal, 507-508
Ashton, 531-532
Bains, H., 422-423
Bains, U., 425-427
Bedi, B., 242-243
Bedi, I., 289-290
Bedi, J., 248-249
Bedi, K., 343
Bedi, N., 339-340
Bedi, T., 342
Berhane, 453
Beyene, 541-542
Bhangoo, 539-540
Bhullar, 253-254
Brar, A., 324-325
Brar, B., 228
Brar, C., 267-268
Brar, Chamkaur, 320-321
Brar, Harbans, 486-488
Brar, Harvinder, 504-506
Brar, J., 492-494
Brar, Karam, 287-288
Brar, Kewal, 405-407
Brar, Khushwant, 311
Brar, Kulgit, 386-387
Brar, Rajwant, 306-308
Brar, Rupinder, 383-384
Brar, Satvir, 441-442
Brar, Simarjeet, 356
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives--Manitoba, 235-236
Chahal, 388-390
Chahal, B., 482-483
Chahal, N., 517-518
Chana, 296-297
Chhokar, 285-286
Chopra, 462-464
Deol, J., 214-215
Deol, Jagjit, 502-503
Deol, Jaswant, 282-283
Derzie, 473-474
Dhaliwal, D., 495
Dhaliwal, G., 241-242
Dhaliwal, Harjot, 333
Dhaliwal, Himat Singh, 331-332
Dhaliwal, Jaswinder, 373-374
Dhaliwal, Jattan, 335
Dhaliwal, L., 395
Dhaliwal, N., 337
Dhaliwal, S., 402
Dhillon, A., 221-222
Dhillon, Guriqbal, 511-514
Dhillon, Gurshvinder Singh, 260-262
Dhillon, Harjinder, 239-240
Dhillon, Harpreet, 468-469
Dhillon, I., 233
Dhillon, Karnail, 549-551
Dhillon, Manjeet, 344-346
Dhillon, Manjit, 363-364
Dullat, 279-280
Ghuman, M., 244-245
Ghuman, V., 470-472
Gill, 207-209
Gill, A., 292-293
Gill, Amitoj, 497-498
Gill, C., 359-360
Gill, G., 479-480
Gill, I., 327-328
Gill, Jaipal, 552-553
Gill, Jaswant, 445-446
Gill, K., 298-300
Golom, 500
Grewal, 312-313
Grewal, I., 351-352
Grewal, P., 411
Hailemariam, 301-302
Homenick, 367-369
Hunjan, 450-452
Independent Living Resource Centre, 202-203
Jammu, 421
Jaswal, 309
Jauhal, 533-534
Kalaat, 555
Kensray, A., 285
Kensray, K., 455
Khosa, G., 476
Khosa, S., 246-247
Kindra, 403-404
Los, 274-276
Maan, 477-478
Makkar, 212
Mangat, B., 210-211
Mangat, G., 408-410
Mangat, H., 397-399
Manitoba Federation of Labour, 197-198
Mankewich, 202-203
Mann, Balreep, 556-557
Mann, Balwinder, 461
Mann, Bhupinder, 525-526
Mann, H., 400-401
McFadyen, 418-420
Moist, 235-236
Muhar, 250-251
Mussie, 365-366
Pander, 226
Panesar, 393-394
Petros, 491
Phind, 430-432
Prentice, 361-362
Randhawa, D., 456
Randhawa, R., 458-459
Rebeck, 197-198
Riyazi, 548
Sabioura, 391-392
Sandhu, B., 515-516
Sandhu, S., 272-273
Sandhu, V., 269
Sangha, H., 281
Sangha, K., 484-485
Saran, D., 371-372
Schafer, 199-200
Sharma, B., 353-355
Sharma, M., 357-358
Sharma, R., 237-238
Sharma, S., 294-295
Sidhu, B., 376-377
Sidhu, Gurdeep Singh, 558-560
Sidhu, J., 543-544
Sidhu, M., 545-547
Sidhu, Sam, 291-292
Sidhu, Sharabjeet, 270-271
Sidhu, Sukhjiwan, 428-429
Sidhu, V., 229-230
Singh, D., 216
Singh, Govinder, 527-528
Singh, Gurcharn, 315-316
Singh, Gurinder, 537-538
Singh, Gurmeet, 232-233
Singh, Gurpreet, 509-510
Singh, H.489-490
Singh, Indergit, 330
Singh, Iqbal, 223-225
Singh, J., 416-417
Singh, P., 466-467
Singh, R., 437-438
Singh, Satwinder, 434-435
Sodhi, Harjit, 535
Sodhi, Herman, 443
Sosa, C., 529-530
Sran, 378-379
Takhar, 374-375
Telahun, 349-350
Toor, Kuldip, 216-218
Toor, Kulwinder, 263-264
Uber Canada, 199-200
Uppal, 265-266
Valeluru, 413-415
Virk, 277-278
Woldeselassie, 305
Yohannes, 303-304
Regulations and training
Rebeck, 198
Sandhu, S., 272
Regulatory requirements
Bhangoo, 540
McFadyen, 419
Safety and training
Akinola, 206
Bains, B., 426
Bedi, I., 290-291
Bedi, K., 344
Brar, Harvinder, 504
Brar, Rajwant, 307
Clarke, 231
Gill, Jaipal, 553
Gill, K., 300-301
Homenick, 370
Kalaat, 555-556
Mann, Bhupinder, 526
Selinger, 290-291
Sidhu, V., 231
Singh, Gurinder, 538
Singh, Iqbal, 224
Singh, J., 416
Singh, P., 468
Toor, Kuldip, 217
Safety regulations--Uber
Sandhu, V., 269
Safety standards
Amilal, 508
Bains, 425
Bains, H., 422-423
Bedi, N., 341
Beyene, 543
Brar, H., 486
Brar, J., 494
Chahal, D., 389
Chhokar, 285
Dhaliwal, Harjot, 333
Dhaliwal, Jaswinder, 374
Dhaliwal, Jattan, 335
Dhillon, Harpreet, 469
Dhillon, Karnail, 551
Dhillon, Manjeet, 346
Gill, G., 480
Hunjan, 452
Los, 275
Mann, Balreep, 556-557
Mann, R., 400-401
Phind, 431
Sabioura, 392
Sandhu, B., 515
Sandhu, V., 269
Sangha, H., 281
Sangha, K., 485
Sangha, N., 348
Saran, D., 331
Sharma, B., 355-356
Sidhu, M., 546
Singh, Gurinder, 537-538
Singh, H., 490
Singh, R., 439
Singh, Satwinder, 435
Sran, 379-380
Toor, Kulwinder, 263
Valeluru, 414
Wharton, 374
Woldeselassie, 306
Tax revenue
Ashton, 533
Bindle, 560
Sidhu, Gurdeep Singh, 560
Singh, P., 467
Taxi industry consultations
Dhillon, Harjinder, 241
Ewasko, 241
Gill, T., 208
Taxi industry, provincial-municipal control
Akinola, 205
Taxis, market for
Brar, J., 494
Selinger, 494
Taxis, number of
Bhullar, 253
Brar, Harvinder, 505
Chahal, B., 483
Chahal, N., 518
Dhillon, I., 234
Ewasko, 460
Gill, I., 329
Gill, Jaipal, 554
Mangat, B., 210
Muhar, 252
Randhawa, R., 460
Sandhu, S., 273
Sandhu, V., 270
Singh, Govinder, 527
Singh, Gurcharn, 315
Transportation data collection
Ashton, 531
Unicity Taxi
Gill, 207-208
Vehicle safety inspections
Bains, 428
Wage formula, taxi drivers
Moist, 235
Wages and benefits for drivers
Bhangoo, 540
Khosa, 246
Yohannes, 303
Written submissions
Rempel, 256-257
Sidhu, Subhdeep, 520-521
Singh, Gurdial, 318
Los, Edward (Private Citizen)
Local Vehicles for Hire Act (Bill 30)
Driver and passenger safety, 274
Public presentations, 274-276
Safety standards, 275
Lundy, Wendy (Private Citizen)
Public Services Sustainability Act (Bill 28)
Public presentations, 71