Building Sector
Capacity, Growth and

Capital Infrastructure
and Investments

Intake opening soon.
Updated program guidelines will be posted upon intake launch

The Capital Infrastructure and Investments program supports the growth and expansion of Manitoba's agri-processing sector by assisting with capital investment purchases for modernization and capacity building activities that enhance efficiency, productivity and environmental sustainability, by providing access to:

  • the development and implementation of new technologies
  • new markets through the implementation of quality control measures
  • streamlined and better managed operations, increased efficiency, and increased profitability by integrating company operations
  • new revenue streams associated with co-packing services

Eligible Applicants

  • Agri-food processors
  • Agri-product processors
  • Primary producers who are or will be engaged in the transformation of agricultural commodities into value-added goods
  • Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) Group: government, community, and/or including Tribal Councils, associations, and organizations

Eligible Expenses

Eligible activities must occur in Manitoba and can include:

  • new and innovative technology
  • process automation
  • process integration
  • production scale-up
  • addition of equipment incremental to current operations
  • skill development and training associated with adopting new equipment