Public Registry 2708.20 - City of Winkler - Wastewater Treatment Facility

Latest information was posted August 27, 2024

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Environment Act licence 2525 R (Rescinded) - posted August 27, 2024

Advertisement- posted March 6, 2023

Project Summary - posted July 2, 2019

Additional Information on Notice of Alteration - posted July 2, 2019

Request for Additional Information on Notice of Alteration - posted July 2, 2019

Technical Advisory Comments on Notice of Alteration - posted July 2, 2019

Technical Advisory Committee Comments on Proposal and Request for Additional Information - posted July 2, 2019

NoA response to TAC - posted January 19, 2017

Nov. 2016 - Notice of Alteration - EAP Update and Responses to TAC - posted January 12, 2017

January 8, 2016 Phosphorus compliance reminder letter - posted January 11, 2016

Advertisement - posted May 29th, 2014

Acknowledgement Letter - posted May 29th, 2014

Environment Act Proposal

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G

Environmental Approvals Contact: Bruce Webb