
Last updated: August 2024

Relationships and Priorities Section

Land Use, Waste Management, and Energy Section

Industrial and Wastewater Section

Livestock, Agriculture, and Pesticide Section

Air Quality Management Section

Operations and Client Services Section


Environmental Approvals Branch
Environment and Climate Change
Box 35, 14 Fultz Boulevard
Winnipeg MB  R3Y 0L6

General Inquiry: 204-945-8321
Email :

Agnes Wittmann
Phone No.: 204-945-8321

Joanna Zarozny
Administrative Assistant
Phone No.: 204-945-8321

Relationships and Priorities Section

Larry Markwart
Phone No.: 204-392-3227

This section works to build collaborative relationships with key stakeholders, leads Crown-Indigenous consultation when a branch decision may infringe or adversely affect the exercise of an Indigenous or treaty right, and supports the branch in achieving its strategic and operational goals and enhancing service delivery.

Arsena Gjipali
Senior Policy Analyst
Phone No.: 431-335-4783

Land Use, Waste Management, and Energy Section

Asit Dey, P. Eng.
Engineering Manager
Phone No.: 204-794-3389

This section reviews and assesses proposals for waste management facilities, land use, and energy developments such as hydroelectric and wind generation facilities, forest management practices, transportation and transmission projects, water development and control projects, and recreation developments. The section also processes applications to develop Crown Land parcels located within water power licensed areas and water power reserves.

Land Use Unit

Bryce Wood
Environment Officer
Phone No.: 204-781-7226

  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • Forestry - forest management proposals
    • Transportation and Transmission - highways and roads, power transmission lines, water and petroleum pipelines
    • Mining - peat mines
    • Recreation - recreation and tourist developments including resorts, golf courses, marinas and ski hills

Jay Mak, P. Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 204-619-0709

  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • Energy Production - hydro developments and wind farms
    • Water Development and Control - flood control projects, water supply impoundments, land drainage projects, irrigation projects, works resulting in modification to lake or river levels, alterations to stream channels that affect fish mobility and fish habitat, water withdrawal projects and aquifer recharge systems
    • Waste Disposal - water treatment plants

Waste Management Unit

Mehak Bajwa, P.Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 431-334-3667

Desalegn Edossa, D.Eng., P.Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 204-945-7021

  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • class 1 waste disposal grounds
    • composting facilities
  • Responsible for the environmental assessment and permitting of proposals and operator certification under the Waste Management Facilities Regulation for Class 2 waste disposal grounds, composting facilities, waste transfer stations, and other.
  • Responsible for environmental assessments and licensing of proposals under The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act for hazardous waste disposal facilities.

Energy Unit

Purushottam (Puru) Singh, P. Eng.
Senior Water Use Licensing Engineer
Phone No.: 204-792-7328

  • Responsible for licensing/re-licensing of new and existing water power generating stations and water power diversion and/or storage projects under The Water Power Act and regulations, including:
    • reviewing licensing supporting documentation
    • monitoring of licensing terms and conditions
    • providing technical support for Crown consultation of new and existing water power licensing projects
    • reviewing Lands Branch circulars pertaining to the Treaty Land Entitlement program, the review of Real Estate Service Division circulars and Environment Licence proposals related to Crown land parcels located within the Water Power interest

Shiromi Amarakoon
Senior Licensing Technologist
Phone No.: 204-945-4512

  • Responsible for the licensing/re-licensing of water power projects under the Water Power Act and regulations and related activities, including:
    • reviewing and developing GIS maps
    • administering the water power rentals
    • reviewing Crown land circulars

Michael Morin
Senior Licensing Technologist
Phone No.: 204-619-3579

  • Responsible for the licensing and re-licensing of hydroelectric generating facilities and related infrastructure under The Water Power Act, including:
    • reviewing licensing supporting documentation
    • monitoring of licensing terms and conditions
    • providing technical support for Crown Consultation of new and existing Water Power Licensing projects

Industrial and Wastewater Section

Siobhan Burland Ross, M. Eng., P. Eng.
Engineering Manager
Phone No.: 204-793-6487

This section manages the review and assessment of proposals for municipal and industrial wastewater, mines, and manufacturing facilities. This section also reviews applications for Certificates of Approval for wastewater collection systems under The Public Health Act, and incinerator registration applications under the Incinerators Regulation.

Barsha Sagan, P. Eng.
Acting Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 204-795-7175

  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • Waste Treatment and Storage - wastewater treatment lagoons, aerated wastewater treatment lagoons and wastewater treatment plants
  • Responsible for review of applications for Certificates of Approval for wastewater collection systems under The Public Health Act.

Eshetu Beshada, Ph. D, P. Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No: 204-250-1932

  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • Manufacturing - bulk materials handling facilities, cement plants, permanent concrete batch plants, foundries, gasification plants, and manufacturing and industrial plants with atmospheric emissions
    • Transportation - asphalt plants
    • Forestry - plywood and particle wood plants
  • Responsible for administering the Incinerators Regulation, including processing incinerator registrations and conducting inspections.

Robert Boswick, P. Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 204-918-5853

  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • Agricultural - dairy plants, food processing plants, and meat processing and slaughter plants
    • Manufacturing - manufacturing and industrial plants with wastewater discharges
    • Mining - mines, milling facilities, refineries, smelters, and tailings management areas
    • Waste Treatment and Storage - wastewater treatment lagoons, aerated wastewater treatment lagoons and wastewater treatment plants; application of biosolids to agricultural land and management and disposal of wastewater treatment sludge and residuals

Jennifer Winsor, P. Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 204-945-7012

  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • Agricultural - dairy plants, food processing plants, rendering plants and meat processing and slaughter plants
    • Manufacturing - manufacturing and industrial plants with wastewater discharges
    • Energy Production - thermal electric generating stations
    • Forestry - pulp and paper mills
    • Mining - mines, milling facilities, refineries, smelters, and tailings management areas

Livestock, Agriculture, and Pesticide Section

Krystal Penner
Phone No.: 204-945-7107

This section coordinates programs under regulations of The Environment Act including the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation, the Pesticides Regulation, and the Non-Essential Pesticide Use Regulation. This work includes manure management planning, water analysis reporting, inactive manure storage facilities of livestock operations, and the permitting of proposed livestock manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas. It also includes processing pesticides use permits and issuing licences for agriculture developments.

Richard Balog, Tech. Ag. CCA
Manure Management Plan Coordinator
Phone No: 204-945-3078

  • Responsible for the administration of manure management plans required under the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation (M.R. 42/98), including:
    • reviewing and processing manure management plans
    • determining compliance with the requirements and carry out enforcement
    • responding to manure management plan inquiries

Diane Smith, M. Sc., P. Ag.
Soils Specialist
Phone No.: 204-391-0540

  • Responsible for administering the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation, including:
    • coordinating, administering and enforcing the annual manure management plan compliance monitoring program (i.e., field audit)
    • reviewing and processing emergency winter spreading authorization requests and other manure spreading variance requests
    • responding to manure application inquiries

Julie Froese
Environmental Livestock Coordinator
Phone No.: 204-945-7104

  • Responsible for administration of the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation, including:
    • phosphorus components of manure management planning
    • registration of unpermitted manure storage facilities
    • decommissioning and maintenance plans for manure storage facilities
    • communicating with stakeholders to promote awareness and compliance with legislation.

Edwin Yazon, P. Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 431-335-2554

  • Responsible for reviewing permit applications under the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Regulation, including:
    • manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas
  • Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, including:
    • manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas

Donna Garcia
Pesticide and Agricultural Program Specialist
Phone No.: 204-945-7065

  • Responsible for coordinating and administrating regulations related to pesticide use and agricultural developments, including:
    • licensing under The Environment Act for bulk material handling facilities including grain elevators, seed cleaning plants and the storage, transfer, or sale of fertilizer and/or crop protection/production (pesticide) products
    • issuing West Nile Virus Ministerial Health Orders under The Environment Act
    • issuing pesticide use permits under the Pesticides Regulation
    • administering the Non-Essential Pesticide Regulation under The Environment Act
    • reviewing emergency use pesticide registrations under The Pest Control Products Act

Air Quality Program Section

Rommel Molod
Air Quality Manager
Phone No.: 204-451-5081

This section reviews, assesses, and provides comments on potential air quality impacts from proposed and existing developments licensed under The Environment Act, Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act, and the Oil and Gas Act. The section also reviews air quality submissions required under licences, including air dispersion modeling studies, ambient air quality monitoring plans/reports, and air emission monitoring.

The section led the fulfilment of Manitoba's obligations under the National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Program including the operation and maintenance of air monitoring stations. It is also part of the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) forecasting program and participates in the CCME's Air Quality Management System (AQMS).

Ishrak Shahriar
Air Quality Specialist
Phone No.: 204-918-8835

Bert Krawchuk
Emergency Response Program Support Specialist / NAPS Manager
Phone No: 204-391-1305

Operations and Client Services Section

Marguerite Reimer, M. Sc.
Phone No.: 204-945-7016

This section ensures service excellence in environmental approvals and program delivery. This includes processing decisions for environmental file searches and hazardous waste generators, coordinating public engagement activities in program delivery, and managing the online public registry; managing the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation to ensure that water and wastewater facilities are operated by trained operators.

Nino Novelas
Certification Program Specialist
Phone No.: 204-392-4487

  • Responsible for the administration of the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation and the Certification Program, including:
    • issuing water and wastewater facility classification
    • water and wastewater facility operator certification
    • Manitoba Operator Certification Exams

Helma Martin
Water and Wastewater Certification Program Clerk
Phone No.: 204-945-0675

Crystal Buczko
Client Service Support
Phone No.: 431-338-9833

Francis Enim
Client Service Support
Phone No.: 204-945-2755

Kim Berndsen
Client Service Support
Phone No.: 204-945-5924

Honey Opatola
Client Service Support
Phone No.: 204-599-9289

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