Public Registry 557.10

Vale Canada Limited
Manitoba Operations

Return to Public Registry

Updated August 19, 2024


2024-08-19 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted August 19, 2024

2024-07-05 Notice of Alteration to change effluent treatment for Copper Ponds - posted August 19, 2024

2022-11-10 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted November 18, 2022

2022-04-01 Notice of Alteration Additional Information - posted November 18, 2022

2020-12-08 Notice of Alteration Additional Information - posted November 18, 2022

2020-04-28 Notice of Alteration - posted November 18, 2022

2022 April 7 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted April 8, 2022

2022 March 3 Notice of Alteration Request - posted April 8, 2022

2022 March 7 Notice of Alteration Supporting Information - posted April 8, 2022

2021-09-20 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted September 22, 2021

2021-08-27 Notice of Alteration Request - posted September 22, 2021

2021-08-05 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted August 10, 2021

Cover Letter - posted August 10, 2021

July 6, 2021 Notice of Alteration Request - posted August 10, 2021

2021-06-18 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted June 21, 2021

2021-06-08 Notice of Alteration Request - posted June 21, 2021

2021-06-08 Notice of Alteration Additional Information- posted June 21, 2021

October 16, 2020 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted October 16, 2020

July 31, 2020 Notice of Alteration Request - posted October 16, 2020
Cover Letter

July 6, 2020 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted July 7, 2020

May 19, 2020 Notice of Alteration Request - posted July 7, 2020

January 15, 2020 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted January 15, 2020

Notice of Alteration - posted January 15, 2020

January 7, 2020 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted January 10, 2020

Notice of Alteration - posted January 15, 2020

Notice of Alteration Approval - posted November 12, 2019

Notice of Alteration - posted November 12, 2019

Notice of Alteration Approval - posted November 12, 2019

Notice of Alteration - posted November 12, 2019

Notice of Alteration Approval - posted January 15, 2020

Notice of Alteration - posted January 15, 2020

Smelter & Refinery Closure Notice of Alteration - Approval Letter - posted July 12, 2018

Smelter & Refinery Closure Notice of Alteration - Submission - posted July 12, 2018

Smelter & Refinery Closure Notice of Alteration - Appendices:

Appendix 6.1 Comprehensive Report of Vale Canada Limited August 3, 2015 Final
Appendix 6.2 Air Quality Monitoring INCO Manitoba Conservation MOU 2004
Appendix 6.3 2012-12-14 Manitoba Operations Water Flow - Technical Report
Appendix 6.4 EcoMetrix Lime Demand Report
Appendix 6.5 Slam Dunk Program
Appendix 6.6 Slam Dunk Proper Handling of Common Hazardous Waste TP
Appendix 6.7 Operations Manual 2014-08 Rev 1.1
Appendix 6.8 2016 Collection Date Analysis
Appendix 6.9 Waste Management Plan
Appendix 6.10 wx16637 Vale Thompson Final Assessment Report-All Sites-1 of 3
Appendix 6.11 Plant Shutdown Procedure
Appendix 6.12 100% Design Brief-Utilities Decommissioning
Appendix 6.13 Environmental Protection Plan
Appendix 6.14 Landscape Restoration Plan
Appendix 6.15 Transportation and Logistics Plan
Appendix 6.16 Storage Plan

Vale Concentrate Load Out Notice of Alteration Approval Letter - posted February 23rd, 2017

Vale T3 Mine and Orica Power Lines Notice of Alteration Approval Letter - posted February 23rd, 2017

Vale Noise Abatement Plan - Response - posted May 27, 2015

Vale Noise Abatement Plan - Letter - posted May 27, 2015

Dam B Raise Alteration Approval - posted May 15, 2015

Dam B Raise Notice of Alteration - posted May 15, 2015

T3 UG Fuel Delivery System Alteration Approval - April 23, 2015 - posted May 1, 2015

T3 UG Fuel Delivery System Notice of Alteration - April 8, 2015 - posted May 1, 2015

e-House Alteration approval - April 23, 2015 - posted May 1, 2015

e-House Notice of Alteration - April 6, 2015 - posted May 1, 2015

Alteration approval - posted posted April13, 2015

Notice of Alteration - November 6, 2014 - posted April13, 2015

Notice of Alteration - July 3, 2014 - posted April13, 2015

Environment Act Licence - posted April13, 2015

Environmental Approvals Contact: Jennifer Winsor