In Manitoba, we generate more than 900,000 tonnes of waste annually. The costs of collecting this waste are increasing, which represents a significant financial challenge to local governments and to the business community.
In addition, a lot of this waste could be reused or recycled, so we're wasting a lot of valuable resources by throwing them in our garbage carts or taking them to the landfill. And the hazardous nature of much of this waste creates a risk to the environment and to human health.
What's Manitoba doing about it?
Over the past 10 years, Manitoba has put new regulations and policies in place to support recycling and to reduce the amount of waste going to our landfills. One of those programs is the Manitoba Waste Reduction and Recycling Support (WRARS) Landfill Levy, which was established in 2009. Under the WRARS program, all solid waste disposed of at Manitoba landfills is subject to a $10 per tonne WRARS levy. The levy applies to all residential, industrial, commercial, institutional, construction and demolition waste.
Revenue from the WRARS levy is used to support municipal recycling programs, household hazardous waste programs, and other initiatives that support waste prevention and diversion.
To support improved recycling systems province-wide, the Manitoba government works in co-operation with industry stewards, municipalities, community councils and First Nations, environmental non-government organizations (ENGOs) and consumer groups.
Manitoba's Extended Producer Responsibility Program
Manitoba's extended producer responsibility program (EPR) is based on a principle known as the polluter pays. The program shifts the burden of waste management from taxpayers to producers and consumers, promoting a more efficient and sustainable use of resources.
Fourteen producer responsibility programs have now been approved to manage a comprehensive list of waste products, including:
- Agricultural Chemical Containers
- Agricultural Grain Bags and Baler Twine
- Automotive Anti-Freeze
- Domestic Pesticides
- Electronic Equipment
- Fluorescent Lights and Tubes
- Household Hazardous Products (Corrosives, Solvents)
- Household Medical Sharps
- Lead-acid Batteries
- Mercury-containing Thermostats
- Oil, Containers and Filters
- Packaging and Printed Paper
- Paint
- Pharmaceuticals
- Rechargeable Batteries
- Single-use Batteries
- Tires