2 Billion Trees Program

Manitoba has signed an agreement with Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) on the 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program. This initiative will allow cost sharing with the Federal government for increased Tree Planting in Manitoba. This initiative and funding is in place until 2031.

Manitoba’s plan will focus on three specific areas: Crown forest reforestation; urban forest management; and Indigenous forestry and capacity building:

  1. The Crown forest projects will focus on reforesting areas significantly affected by wildfires, insects or other natural events on Crown lands.
  2. Urban forest management projects will focus on increasing communities’ forest canopies, maintaining long-term forest health, implementing long-term management plans, building inventories of natural assets, and improving invasive species resiliency.
  3. The Indigenous community component will facilitate Indigenous participation on reforestation initiatives through capacity building, planning and site selection, seed collecting, site preparation and monitoring.   

In 2023, Manitoba will focus on identifying sites and partners, along with initial plantings of a few thousand trees.  In 2024, large scale planting will begin. The long- term goal is to plant up to 1 million additional trees annually for the life of the program.

More details about Manitoba’s program will be available later this summer and fall.  In the meantime, please look to the Federal 2BT program’s website for more information:
Federal 2BT program’s website.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can anyone get trees?
A: No. There will be no public giveaway of tree under this program.  The goal here is to work with groups that can ensure the long-term health and viability of these trees for their lifespan.  However, the department will continue to distribute seedlings at events like this one as we always have.

Q: Are trees available for private landowners or shelterbelt plantings?
A: No, the current program is targeted towards provincial forested lands, Indigenous communities and urban plantings.

Q: Where will the trees be planted?
A: Trees will be planted throughout Manitoba to renew forests adversely affected by insect damage and wildfire and in addition to increase habitat restoration.  There is also an urban component of the 2 Billion Trees program to allow communities to address impacts of climate change, invasive species, increase biodiversity and enhance well being.  

Q: What tree species will be available?
A: There will be a variety of species available for approved planting projects in order to promote species diversity and urban forest resiliency.  These include maples, oaks, birch hackberry, alder, willow, cedar,  linden and spruce to name a few. In provincial forests, native species like pine and spruce will be planted from seeds collected for that growing zone.  The key to this program is planting the right tree in the right location.

Q: What other benefits will the 2 Billion Trees program have in Manitoba?
A: Tree planting will have additional benefits including mitigating the impacts climate change, improving habitats for biodiversity, and improve habitats through restoration projects.  There will be benefits through greenhouse gas emission reductions in support of commitments through the made in Manitoba Climate and Green Plan.  Green jobs throughout the process will be created and capacity developed through out our communities and the forestry sector.

Q: Where can I find out more about the federal 2 Billion Trees initiative?
A: for more information on the federal initiative and application process please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/campaign/2-billion-trees/2-billion-trees-program.html.

Q: Are there opportunities for the public, community groups and Indigenous organizations to get involved?
A:  Yes. Manitoba is seeking partnerships with interested groups as the program ramps up. Please get in touch with us if you are interested.  Information on 2 Billion Trees in Manitoba can be found on this webpage or communities may contact the Provincial Tree Line at: treeline@gov.mb.ca.

Photo of plants next to a stucco wallPhoto of a forest with grey clouds abovePhoto of trees in a park setting under a clear blue sky, with a pergola in the background