Winnipeg generally enjoys good air quality compared to other cities of similar size in Canada. Air quality concerns in Manitoba usually tend to be of a localized nature, where an activity has an impact only on local people and their environment. Some of these impacts may include the presence of odours, noise and other air pollutants. The sources for these and other airborne pollutants include industrial operations, vehicle emissions, man-made substances released to the atmosphere and other specific activities.

Air Emissions

Manufacturing and industrial facilities emit pollutants into the air through stacks and other processes. Air emissions from these types of facilities are assessed during the environmental assessment and licensing process. These types of facilities require an Environment Act Licence prior to construction, alteration or operation. Licence conditions may include air quality monitoring, air quality modelling, ambient air monitoring and reporting.

Air Quality Monitoring

We are responsible for monitoring the air quality in Manitoba. This is currently done through the operation of several air monitoring stations located throughout the province. Data collected from these stations is used by Health Canada to develop the Air Quality Health Index. Data collected by Manitoba's air monitoring stations is available at; with additional information on Air Quality Monitoring Activity and Data Interpretation provided.